RheoSense Blog: Viscosity, Viscometers, & More

Social Media In The Workplace

Written by Joseph Chun | August 28, 2018

In the professional setting, social media can be utilized in powerful and effective ways to engage with your audience while simultaneously building relationships and brand awareness. With thousands of users online on different platforms, it is no wonder we are living in the era of information. People tune into their favorite social media network to learn about current events and ultimately to gain information and knowledge, whether personal or professional. Regardless of your social network platform, news and information are easily shared and streamlined into your feed thanks to features like hashtags to indicate trending phrases or subjects.

But information is not the only thing that is accessible in your platform. Social media breeds interactions in different communities. Often times, opinions and ideas are exchanged between two parties that can shift or persuade other peoples' viewpoints on a subject. Because of this, social media is a powerful tool for companies and public relations in building a bond with the audience, which in turn can provide a positive experience for both parties.

In a fast-growing industry, we strive to offer our services in all of our social media platforms. We really view our social channels as a great platform for education, which is why we are constantly sharing educational information and relevant scientific publications or current events. LinkedIn is one of our favorite platforms, followed with YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook closely behind. Over the next coming months, we will be posting announcements and other special events on our social media platforms. We will also be sharing some exclusive content and special videos across social media. If you haven't already, go and follow us on your favorite social media platform! We value your opinions and are eager to see your interests on our timeline.