I have service related questions! What should I do?
Have you been tasked to work with a RheoSense viscometer recently or are you an avid user from 2009? No matter what your experience is, we encourage you to reach out to us if you have any service questions!
RheoSense has two methods of reaching out! We still have our original service@RheoSense.com email but this email will provide an auto response encouraging you to reach out with the two following methods:
Opening a service ticket will be perfect for you if you are looking for assistance on data interpretation, you are encountering error messages, or if you have general service related questions.
Opening a RMA will be perfect for you if you are looking to ship in your viscometer and VROC chip for recalibration or replacement. RMA stands for Return Merchandise Authorization. We require a unique RMA # identifier with each transaction that you choose to ship in. You can ship multiple items under one RMA #.
We recommend that you recalibrate your viscometer at least once a year. To do so, depending on the viscometer, you can ship in your viscometer with the RMA process. Once we receive your viscometer, we will recalibrate and issue a new certificate valid for one year. To request on-site, since you are not shipping goods in, please open a service ticket.
For your VROC chip, we also recommend that you recalibrate or replace at least once a year. What is the chip replacement program? Based on feedback of end users, we worked closely with our vendors to reduce the price of VROC chips.
To participate, we still ask that you ship your chip in under our RMA process. Once we receive the chip, we then proceed to recycle your chip housing but include a NEW VROC chip inside. After completing the assembly, the new replacement chip goes through the same two step calibration process and we verify that the chip is reading within 2% or better accuracy. We issue a certificate, valid for one year, and ship the new replacement chip (it will have a new S/N).
For RMAs, the standard lead time is about 2 weeks. Our team can issue a quotation prior to you shipping in RMAs so feel free to request! Service tickets we strive to respond within 24 hours with the initial acknowledgement and work to shorten the time it takes to provide a resolution!
Find what is most suitable for your situation and we look forward to working with you!